Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Evaluate leadership as practiced in the life of Jesus Christ in the Essay
Assess administration as rehearsed in the life of Jesus Christ in the light of 21st century setting - Essay Example The paper will address Jesus’ service and its application in present day church administration. The investigation will draw its realities for the most part from the Gospels. From the beginning of his service, Jesus set out to guide pioneers that would lead the early church. He chose twelve pupils with various aptitudes, gifts, interests and characters and guided them to turn into a group. He instructed them to utilize their fluctuated qualities so as to help each other in the service. Christ molded an initiative structure with a pioneer who had others supporting him. When he climbed to Heaven, he had assembled an authority structure including Peter as the Head and different devotees supporting him in a unified group that cooperated. This group of early church pioneers had a solidarity of direction to spread the Gospel to all countries. They went out lecturing and in their deeds commended each other’s works. From this early structure, the advanced church can attract exercises on the best way to structure its initiative to achieve better outcomes in serving the Gospel. Customarily, the congregation utilized the pecking order model of administration. In any case, with the development of the congregation, there have been changes that have required a move to an enabled group model of authority. Numerous pioneers have discovered they overpowered and exhausted under the order model. With the engaged group model, the issue is illuminated as the pioneers work with others in a group. This model underscores mentorship of new pioneers and the advancement of a solidarity among the pioneers to improve great working relations to help conveyance of the vision of the congregation. Strengthening implies that pioneers drop bureaucratic structures so individuals build up a feeling of proprietorship and having a place in the authority procedure. It empowers them put into utilization their abilities, encounters, energies and desire. Dynamic support by the various individuals from the group will cause them to acknowledge the obligations that accompany the administratio n (Maxwell, 2005, p.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Administrative Agencies in the United States and their Implications
Regulatory organizations are separated from different parts of the legislature, the official, legal and the administrative, however can practice the elements of the three. These offices are approved and bolstered by the administrative requests, and are fit for executing and making guidelines, upholding and mediating. They state that courts don't have these capabilities.The nonstop commonness of this sort of framework has expanded the prominence of managerial laws in the Supreme Court. It got to the heart of the matter that very nearly 1/3 of the choices to be made by the court is about the managerial actions.Take note that regulatory offices work on the most delicate territories of the general public, and subsequently were known as the fourth part of the administration. The organizations have a practically identical extent of power and edge to the three previously mentioned branches, and consequently their effect is a lot of foreseen (Barry and Whitcomb, 2005, p. 25).One of the drawb acks with this sort of framework is that the managerial office dismantles itself from the individuals under their capacities. Along these lines, the choices they make are inadequate in thoughtful flavor and subsequently are inclined to the disintegration of open interest.The official part may settle based on a solitary individual, and in view of this there may be thinness in the judgment of that individual, which settles on the choice not pertinent to many, accordingly is powerless to starting clash (Zwart and Verhey, 2003, p. 58).The United States has become an undeniably managerial structure. In accordance with this, suggestions were recognized and designed before the American character (popular government, equity, personal satisfaction). Beside the suggestion referenced above, there are other alarming ramifications which are even verifiable yet at the same time this child of framework has prevailed.The majority rule alternatives made this sort of request, and still are inexhausti ble as directed upon by the many. To stay with this sort of reasoning, the chiefs in the authoritative office must be liberated from relational impacts, and be solid willed additionally so as to concoct the vital actions.When the standard organization has come into misuse or contortion, this is a potential danger to the American administration (Salyer,1995, p 246). Intrigue bunches are all over, and they may significantly impact the managerial activities (approach execution) and even the enactment (arrangement appropriation), or assume responsibility for them.It is of high inclination that administration strategies might be defined without law, and the law be simply permitted to be made by this fourth branch (Williams and Torrens, 2001, p, 357).ReferencesBarry, D. D., and Whitcomb, H. R. (2005). The Legal Foundations of Public Administration. Recovered July 8, 2009, from http://books.google.com/books?id=MQkiiTv5yg4CSalyer, L. E. (1995). Laws Harsh as Tigers: Chinese Immigrants and t he Shaping of Modern Immigration Law. Recovered July 9, 2008, from http://books.google.com/books?id=2WWkzfYnsrMCWilliams, S. J., and Torrens, P. R. (2001). Prologue to Health Services. Recovered July 8, 2008, from http://books.google.com/books?id=95q7ZvXPd8wCZwart, T. L., and Verhey, F. M. (2003). Offices in European and near viewpoint. Recovered July 9, 2008, from http://books.google.com/books?id=KWaAh5jMiB0C
Thursday, July 30, 2020
#DiversifyAgentCarter A Tweet Roundup
#DiversifyAgentCarter A Tweet Roundup Anyone whos regularly on social media, and Twitter specifically, knows that it can be an ugly place. Trolls, hate speech, and getting into arguments with people you dont even know and will never meet can suck the joy out of Twitter. But sometimes the community can come together and create something awesome, and that happened last week. With the VERY WELCOME news that Agent Carter had received a season 2 pickup, Mikki Kendall (who has a kick-ass essay in the back of Bitch Planet #4, if you havent read it yet) sent out a simple tweet calling for more diversity in the show. Someone should create a #DiversifyAgentCarter tag fill it with facts about the 40s in New York so the writers have no excuse. Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) May 8, 2015 And oh boy, did Twitter respond. In the best way possible. These are just a few of the amazing tweets that came from the hashtag #DiversifyAgentCarter. Check out the full list of tweets, if you have a sec! 1940s superspy Senorita Rio, the first Latina lead character in US comics. #DiversifyAgentCarter pic.twitter.com/xsQQX5lb1G Saladin Ahmed (@saladinahmed) May 9, 2015 #DiversifyAgentCarter because privileged white guys like me blindly assume the 40s were all white because of how media always portrays it Brett White (@brettwhite) May 8, 2015 #DiversifyAgentCarter because bad-ass Native American women, like Minnie Spotted Wolf, served during WWII too pic.twitter.com/dZzMuqKFqT ?clara mae? (@ubeempress) May 8, 2015 #DiversifyAgentCarter because black people other POC existed outside of Harlem outside of service roles: http://t.co/mjzt7FCOlu K Tempest Bradford (@tinytempest) May 8, 2015 Agent Carter at its core is about awesome people being overlooked. So a black agent (black female, even) fits. #DiversifyAgentCarter Justin (@GigawattConduit) May 8, 2015 A Woman and Her Dog in Harlem New York, 1943. #DiversifyAgentCarter pic.twitter.com/tBbIYZrkra Red Wedge Magazine (@RedWedgeMag) May 8, 2015 Help #DiversifyAgentCarter by pointing out that the first Black FBI agent James Wormley Jones was appointed in 1919 http://t.co/XMdcj50jjd Mikki Kendall (@Karnythia) May 8, 2015 #DiversifyAgentCarter because the lengths people will go to to whitewash and justify whitewashing a fictional universe are considerable. Alina (@LJmysticowl) May 11, 2015 Carmen Contreras-Bozak was the 1st Latina to serve in WAAC in the first unit to go overseas #DiversifyAgentCarter pic.twitter.com/vbOcnSnh39 Cielo (@ohsweetgoodness) May 11, 2015 #DiversifyAgentCarter People only treat minorities like a recent invention because period pieces often act like they are. Buck that trend! Jon Erik Christian?? (@HonestlyJon) May 8, 2015 ____________________ Follow us on Twitter for more comics goodness! Sign up to The Stack to receive Book Riot Comic's best posts, picked for you. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Communication and Leadership in Health Care Essay
Introduction This paper employs multiple research techniques and sources to give a holistic analyst of the partnerships developed with people from different division of a healthcare organization. I identify problems from my personal experience as an Ophthalmic Technician and System Analyst for the Department of Ophthalmology at The Ohio State University Medical Center. The Literature Review, Analysis, and Solutions sections are based on research and without personal reflection. This paper addresses two questions. First, has Personal Health Records (PHR) made communication simpler and safer for the healthcare industry? Second, how to improve communication between Information Technology services and Healthcare providers? These two†¦show more content†¦This gratification in my career helped me realized the importance of integrating clinical and technology knowledge and to seek education at the Master’s level to improve my ability to assist in the use of technolog ical tools to improve service to our patients, our physicians, and our staff. The Ohio State University Medical Center identifiable issues with regards to the development, integration, and use of PHR is the lack of communication and understanding between healthcare providers, information technology services, and patients. Effective communication requires the utilization of collaboration and leadership to create an organization that uses innovated technology to provide the highest level of patient care. Problem Statement Personal Health Records have improved patient care, but as an organization the Ohio State University Medical Center is not embracing change and working together to utilize technology. The problem is poor communication and leadership, due to poor understanding of the clinicians need. Information technology services update the PHR program without first understanding what improvements clinicians need and secondly, end-users are not being educated on the updates; th erefore, are not utilizing new features or the features do not meet the needs of clinicians. Figure 1 illustrates the current flow of information between healthcare providers and information technology services. Figure 1: Current Communication pathway TheShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Clinical Nursing960 Words  | 4 Pagesconsuming and overwhelming, if bad habit is practiced could negatively affect patients outcome (Clinical Nursing Handover2013). In the health care setting nursing handover is challenge situation if not used an effective communication. The nursing handover and an individualized and systemic approach. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
What Everybody Is Saying About Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Is Wrong and Why
What Everybody Is Saying About Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Is Wrong and Why Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Explained Before you commence working on the paper, you must go through several topics to compose a persuasive essay on. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Do not merely paraphrase the thesis that you've stated in your introduction. A thesis is a controversial and intriguing idea which is going to be proven by the author's major arguments. New Ideas Into Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Never Before Revealed You are able to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. At length, now that you're prepared to work on your paper, we wish to remind you of the significance of suitable essay structure. It is crucial to opt for a great topic so as to compose a terrific paper. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Following that, you will select the one that you're most passionate about. You may start looking for assorted family topics to compose your argumentative essay on in the event you find it tough to deal with some family responsibilities. In the event you've wrapped up your principal argument, but you lack the idea about what's next, you own a reason to discover online academic writing service. The very best thing about an argumentative essay which contains social issues is that you could describe your private experience on the case of the real-life case. One of the greatest strategies to convince anybody's mind is by way of an emotional connection. Even in the event you seek for assistance from a specialist, make sure they speak about something which will sound better while presenting your argument. The Debate Over Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 When you are finished with your essay, you must not just check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it als o has to be checked for logical fallacies. There is an assortment of patterns that writers can use whenever writing an argumentative essay even though there isn't any particular model of organization. The dearth of very good support sources are going to result in a decrease grade. You may use different examples that can be found on the net at no cost. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is crucial for your general success. To come across argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. Pick the one which you liek to compose an ideal expository essay! If you're thinking about how to compose a persuasive essay, you must know that writing an essay is a complicated course of action. You have to have skills to compose a fantastic essay. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. You don't wish to lose grades as a result of incorrect essay format. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Persuasive essays are a really good means to encourage the reader to check at a particular topic in a different light. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to somebody else. Now, you've got tons of topics to pick from and lay down your thoughts on paper. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. Sure, you've got to use the outside sources to back up your s tandpoint. So be certain that you select a subject, which has values in it. Utilize your present understanding, the information that you have heard before, and clarify your perspective. You can be certain your point of view is right until you satisfy an individual that thinks that you're completely erroneous. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points that you could counter to your own points. By taking a look at examples, you can find a very clear picture of what things to expect, and be in a position to be successful in writing a fantastic college essay outline. If you've got to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. There are several steps which you should take as a way to write an exemplary essay. 1 important and appropriate subject is technology. Technology is ever-present in our everyday lives. Therefore, if you prefer to have nontrivial expository essay t opic that demands thorough research, choose something which refers to a technological region of study. It's possible to select an intriguing topic from any area of science. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't difficult to discover. So without further ado, here are a few effective writing tips to produce your common app essay stick out! It is difficult to locate a fantastic website with free examples of argumentative papers and affordable customized essays. You may observe examples of the argumentative essay outline on the website or look the up on the internet. Don't forget that you're NOT writing your opinion on the subject. If you're in a college and need to compose an argumentative essay, you should pick a subject of high importance. You will be assigned a topic, or your professor will enable you to select your own. The key to decide on a great topic for an argumentative essay is to select a subject where there's a lot of d ebates on topics or stances. If you get to select your own topic, that's good. You can also select an emotional topic. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. You will probably locate a different and fantastic topic you will love to write about. Argumentative essay ideas can be associated with the moral facets of human life. The primary goal of writing an argumentative essay is to understand how to convince folks to modify their perception of things they strongly believe in. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's vital to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, overall, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no legitimate means to provide a free college education as colleges would still must be funded (likely through tax dollars).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Utilitarianism †Act and Rule Free Essays
Explain the differences between Act and Rule Utilitarianism Since it began, there have been two main exponents of Utilitarianism. They are Jeremy Bentham and J S Mill, and both of them base their own individual theories on the principle of utility, which defines something (an act, etc) dependent on if it achieves â€Å"the greatest happiness for the greatest number†. This makes Utilitarianism a relativistic and consequentialist argument, as it takes into account only the outcome of events rather than the act itself as means to determine whether it is good/right. We will write a custom essay sample on Utilitarianism – Act and Rule or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also it holds no absolutes – it takes the best interests of the greatest number of people no matter if the way of doing seems morally wrong. Bentham and Mill were both generally harmonious in their understanding that the general happiness of a human being is linked to their personal fulfillment of pleasure. Nevertheless, the two clashed when it came down to the understanding of what true pleasure is, and whether it holds different values under different circumstances. It was due to this that Bentham started Act Utilitarianism. Bentham thought that situations were to be treated completely differently to any and every other situation, and developed the Hedonistic Calculus as a means of measuring the pleasure and pain of those directly involved in it. The calculus consists of seven aspects which Bentham believed could answer to whether something is pleasurable/painful or not – they are Purity, Remoteness, Richness, Intensity, Certainty, Extend and Duration. It is possible for me to use an example to make this all seem clearer. There are five sadistic guards in a prison who don’t like the new inmate and want to give him a roughing up. One can argue that the pain the inmate will suffer is huge (purity) but the calculus is focused on quantity rather than quality. Also, the happiness of the guards will be fulfilled due to their sadistic means of pleasurement (certainty) however, the guards might get caught and sacked which in turn makes them sad in the end, but perhaps they don’t then the pleasure of the guards outweighs the pain that the inmate faces and therefore under these guidelines I think that Bentham would say â€Å"yeah, go ahead†and allow the bullying and assault to happen. Bentham’s democratic and egalitarianistic approach meant that he believed nobody’s pleasures are greater than anyone elses, and that they are all equal so we can’t say that they count for more. This meant that Bentham was purely focused on the quantitative side of the pleasure. It was here where Mill and Bentham came to a disagreement, as Mill however focused on the qualitative aspects of the pleasure, famously saying â€Å"it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied†. This meant understanding that there are differences that must be acknowledged between higher and lower pleasures. He thought that higher pleasures consisted of the intellectual aspects of humans rather than the animalistic, such as reading to further your knowledge, listening to fine music and painting art. The aforementioned animalistic pleasures (lower) derive from the physical side of life, such as eating, drinking and indulging in sexual acts. This approach can be seen as elitist by some, which means that full excellence can only be realised by the mature males of the upper class within society – natural amongst the Ancient Greek Philosophers that preceeded Bentham and Mill, such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. As advocator to Rule Utilitarianism, Mill’s calculation method again differentiates from Bentham’s hedonistic calculus. Rather than Bentham’s quantitative approach, Mill looks at it in an alternative way, observing the various implications of the act. Mill’s interpretation is that there are general rules within society that should be followed as they create the greatest happiness for the greatest good for all those in society. This at first does seem very logical, but then again it begins to defy the basis on which Utilitarianism’s foundations are layed down, which is a relativist and consequentialist theory. And this is where strong and weak rules comes into the frame. Mill never onces says â€Å"must†as regards to the rules he would involve as he perceives his judgment upon whether something is good or bad or what should occur within a specific situation, which can be seen as his defence to remaining relativist, however a new term must be enforced to separate his understanding with the likes of a hedonist such as Bentham, hence the term â€Å"universalisability†. How to cite Utilitarianism – Act and Rule, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Welfare System
Introduction A welfare system is an established program aimed at assisting the needy people as well as their families meet their basic needs. A welfare system is a term used to indicate government programs created in order to offer support to the needy citizens. Various types of welfare programs that have been created for this purpose include social security, financial aid, corporate welfare, and welfare provisions (Powell Hendricks 24).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Welfare System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The government provides assistance to the people through various programs such as housing assistance, unemployment compensation, health care, child care assistance, and food stamps. In the United States, the federal government offers grants to every state through a program referred to as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (O’Connor 14). The welfare system is usually aimed at provi ding a base level of income to people who are disabled, elderly, retired, or unemployed. It should be noted that the welfare system deals with an absolutely large number of people and, therefore, total commitment of the government is required. The government, according to O’Connor, has a social responsibility and a moral obligation to ensure that all activities carried out by various welfare organizations come to a successful completion (24). Even though the work of the welfare system is beneficial, these programs together with the involvement of the government have in the recent past faced criticism from opponents who argue that the main intentions of these programs are totally different from what the public is made to believe. This article is going to look at some of the pros and cons of the welfare system and argue them out in order to develop a middle ground. The pros and cons of the welfare system It is important to note that welfare systems are beneficial for a modern s ociety. Despite the fact that members of modern communities are very productive, they are usually faced by a wide range of problems that may negatively impact on their normal lives. Welfare systems have been shown to come in handy and support individual members deal with these problems. Even though welfare programs do not offer a life that is 100% free from challenges, it acts as a means through which vulnerable members of society can be cushioned from the possible adverse effects of poor health, unemployment, lack of housing, and poor education (Powell Hendricks 29). Opponents of this initiative argue that these programs are usually developed with the intent of promoting certain businesses for certain people. Welfare programs are also described as indirect support of the government to various business entities. Opponents argue that the government should not interfere with the free market as this may lead to the collapse of certain businesses.Advertising Looking for essay on g overnment? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They also point out that these programs do not offer lasting solutions to most of the problems that people may be facing. It has been argued that rather than the government providing unemployment compensation to millions of people, it should come up with a strategy to ensure that all people are incorporated either in the formal or in the informal employment sectors (Hill 44). It is important to note that welfare programs are meant to assist people who may be going through difficult situations to get back on their feet. However, some people may use these programs as a way of escaping their responsibilities. Some people may neglect their duties and solely rely on welfare programs for help. These are the people who develop the mentality that there is no need for them to work for minimum wage when they can get a similar amount of money for actually doing nothing (O’Connor 34). It has be en revealed that some people have been living in social houses for decades without signs of vacating. Despite the fact that these people may have attained financial stability, most of them are not willing to vacate those buildings to help other needy citizens. This cycle continues as children grow up thinking that this is the only kind of life there is. Welfare programs are beneficial to single parents who may have a child yet they do not have the means to rear that child. Single mothers, for instance, benefit greatly from these programs since they are provided with food, finances and shelter. It is unfortunate that a large number of people abuse these programs by simply having many children; an aspect that guarantees them continued financial assistance from welfare programs (Sather 39). It has been argued out that the financial assistance single mothers obtain from welfare programs is not enough to cater for their families. Opponents assert that beneficiaries cannot manage to purch ase all household requirements from the checks they receive from welfare. As a result, they conclude that welfare cannot offer the much needed support at the time of need. It is, however, important to note that even though welfare programs do not offer a 100% financial support to beneficiaries, it is one of the best ways through which the needy citizens can be assisted to meet their basic needs. Welfare programs, as stated by Sather, play a significant role in ensuring that social disparities and health problems do not advance to critical stages (57). They help people maintain a living standard that is almost similar to that of financially stable people. For instance, despite low income and unemployment, people are able to maintain their homes; thereby eliminating cases of homelessness.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Welfare System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is also important to note that welfare p rograms have played a significant role in the health sector. The establishment of Medicare and Medicaid are referred to by many as God sent initiatives that have helped millions of financially unstable US citizens. These programs offer low-cost health care to people from poor backgrounds, and as a result the general wellbeing of society is maintained (Kildar and Kuhnle 70). Opponents argue that welfare programs do not offer a lasting solution to major problems in the lives of the people and may create unnecessary dependence. It has been argued that instead of providing financial assistance to the unemployed, they should be provided with basic skills necessary for them to earn a living (Sather 61). It has also been pointed out that continued assistance from welfare may lead to deterioration of a person’s basic skills and comprehension of proper workplace behavior. Economists also assert that welfare programs are a huge financial burden to the local government. Regardless of th e funding from the federal government, states still bear the financial burden of supporting the welfare programs. Opponents argue that rather than assisting people who are to a certain extent unproductive, the millions of dollars allocated to welfare programs should be channeled to other productive sectors. These programs are largely viewed as potential channels for fraudulent activities. Kildar and Kuhnle make it clear that people may supply false information with intent of receiving financial benefits from welfare (71). Cases have been recorded whereby welfare beneficiaries find additional sources of income, but fail to notify welfare authorities for fear of losing financial support. Reports have also been made of people who earn thousands of dollars yearly yet they provide false information in order to benefit from Medicaid (Hill 71). Nonetheless, the welfare system cannot be condemned basically on the activities of a few people who are driven by misguided principles. Welfare has assisted a large number of children who have done absolutely nothing to impact on their family’s financial status. It should be noted that in addition to all children having the right to access basic needs, they should not be punished for their parent’s actions. Welfare has, to a certain extent, contributed to crime reduction. Even though this claim is hard to prove, the fact that welfare provides financial support for basic upkeep helps ensure that people who are financially unstable do not engage in criminal activities. Welfare system is established on the perception that those in need will rise and get back on track.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Welfare has been termed as an insignificant temporary assistance that cannot solve the people’s problems, but nevertheless it provides those in need with a means to exist, in addition to encouraging them to look for employment in order to have a stable life. Conclusion It can, therefore, be concluded that even though the welfare system has in the recent times faced criticism from opponents, the work carried out by these programs is undoubtedly beneficial. Welfare has been termed as an insignificant temporary assistance that cannot solve the people’s problems, but nevertheless it provides those in need with a means to exist in addition to encouraging them to look for employment in order to have a stable life. Welfare programs play a significant role in ensuring that social disparities and health problems do not advance to critical stages. Works Cited Hill, Michael. Social Policy in the Modern World: A Comparative Text. Mahwah, NJ: John Wiley Sons, 2006. Print. Hill, in his work, provides a coherent and concise test that offers a thematic account of social policies, particularly the welfare system. Kildar, Nanna and Kuhnle, Stein. Normative Foundations of the Welfare State: The Nordic Experience. Philadelphia, PA: Routledge, 2005. Print. Through qualitative analysis of various sources, Kildar and Kuhnle try to evaluate the economic benefits, as well as disadvantages of welfare system. O’Connor, Brendon. A Political History of the American Welfare System: When Ideas Have Consequences. New York, NY: Rowman Littlefield, 2004. Print. O’Connor, through historical analysis and policy critique techniques, looks deeply into the principles of welfare programs in order to determine the benefits and disadvantages these programs have presented to the US citizens. Powell, Jason and Hendricks Jon. The Welfare State in Post-Industrial Society: A Global Perspective. New York, NY: Springer, 2009. Print. Powell and Hendricks, through policy critique and data analysis, critically evaluate the effects of welfare programs on the modern society. They base their argument on the fact that the lives of many people have been transformed through welfare programs. Sather, Trevor. Pros and Cons: A Debater’s Handbook. Philadelphia, PA: Routledge, 1999. Print. In this book, Sather looks extensively into the issues surrounding welfare programs in order to come up with a logical argument. The author critically looks at both sides in order to eliminate possible bias. This essay on The Welfare System was written and submitted by user Bryant B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 20, 2020
7 Common Spanish Pronunciation Mistakes
7 Common Spanish Pronunciation Mistakes Few things are more frustrating for someone learning a foreign language than to not be understood by a native speaker. If you want to make a good impression when speaking Spanish, here are seven common pronunciation mistakes English speakers make that you can avoid. You can learn to avoid these common errors, and your Spanish-speaking friends will know that at least youre making an effort. Turning the R Into Mush Lets get the most difficult letter for English speakers out of the way first! Heres the basic rule: Never pronounce the Spanish r as if it were English. Think of it as a different letter of the alphabet that just happens to be written the same as the English one. Spanish has two r sounds. The simple r sound, which youll hear more often, is close to the dd sound in paddle or the tt in little. So the common word mero (mere) sounds much like meadow, not marrow. That wasnt hard, was it? The other r sound, often called the rr sound because rr was once considered a separate letter of the alphabet, is used for rr and when r appears at the beginning of a sentence or a word by itself. The rr sound is a brief trill and does take some effort to master. You might think of it as the front of your tongue flapping against the roof of the mouth in a strong breeze, or perhaps the sounds of a cat purring or a motorboat revving. Once you figure it out, it can be a fun sound to make. Turning the U Into a Different Vowel The u sound is never like the u in fuse, but, or push. When it doesnt come in combination with another vowel, its like the oo sound in moo, which appropriately is spelled mu in Spanish. So uno (one) sounds something like OO-noh and uniforme (uniform) sounds something like oo-nee-FOR-meh. Like the other Spanish vowels, u has a pure and distinct sound. When the u comes before another vowel, the u glides into the following vowel and ends up sounding something like the English w. Thus cuenta (account) sounds something like KWEN-tah, and cuota sounds fairly close to the cognate quota. And that brings up another point: After the q, the u is silent unless a dieresis is added to make it à ¼. Thus quince (the number 15) sounds like KEEN-seh. But with the dieresis, the u carries the w sound. Thus pingà ¼ino (penguin) is pronounced something like peeng-GWEEN-oh. Giving the G and J Their Sound in ‘Judge’ In English, the g generally has the j sound when g is followed by e or i. The same pattern is true in Spanish, but the j sound also used in the ge and gi combinations is much different. English speakers usually approximate it with the English h sound, although native Spanish speakers in most regions often give it a harsher, more guttural sound. Youll be perfectly understandable if you pronounce gente as HEN-teh and jugo (juice) as HOO-goh. Buzzing the Z The z of Spanish isnt pronounced with the z sound of words such as buzz and zoo. In Latin America, it generally sounds like the English s, while in most of Spain its like the th in thin. So if youre headed to the zoo, think soh in Latin America and thoh in Spain. Pronouncing the B and V as Different Letters Once upon a time, Spanish had distinct sounds for the B and V. But no more - they sound exactly the same and thus often pose a spelling challenge for native speakers. The sound is something like a buzzing sound with the two lips when b or v comes between two vowels and something like a soft English b at other times. You may look at words such as tubo (tube) and tuvo (a form of tener) and think of them as sounding different, but in fact they sound alike. Sounding Out the H How do you pronounce the h? In a word, dont. Except in a very few words of foreign origin such as hmster and hockey, the h is silent. Failing To Keep the L Distinct Listen carefully, and you may notice that the first l of little has a different sound than the second l. The first is formed with the tongue against the roof of the palate, while the second one isnt. The key rule in pronouncing the Spanish l is that it has sound of the first l in little. Thus the l has the same sound in mal as it does in malo and mala (all of them meaning bad). In other words, mal does not sound like mall. The doubled l or ll used to be considered a separate letter of the alphabet. Although its pronunciation varies with region, you wont go wrong to give it the sound of the y in yet. Thus calle (street) sounds similar to KAH-yeh. Key Takeaways When pronouncing Spanish words, remember that the pronunciation rules of English dont always apply.Among the letters that Spanish pronounces much differently than English does are g (sometimes), h, l (sometimes), r, u (usually), v, and z.The repeated letter pairs ll and rr have pronunciations that are distinct from the same letter appearing individually.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Causes of the Russian Revolution
Causes of the Russian Revolution Russia in the late 19th and early 20th century was a massive empire, stretching from Poland to the Pacific. In 1914, the country was home to approximately 165 million people representing a diverse range of languages, religions, and cultures. Ruling such a massive state was no easy task, especially as the long-term problems within Russia eroded the Romanov monarchy. In 1917, this decay finally produced a revolution, sweeping the old system away. While the turning point for the revolution is widely accepted as World War I, but the revolution was not an inevitable byproduct of war and there are long-term causes that are equally important to recognize. Peasant Poverty In 1916, a full three-quarters of the Russian population was comprised of peasants who lived and farmed in small villages. In theory, their life had improved in 1861, before which they were serfs who were owned and could be traded by their landowners. 1861 saw the serfs freed and issued with small amounts of land, but in return, they had to pay back a sum to the government, and the result was a mass of small farms deeply in debt. The state of agriculture in central Russia was poor. Standard farming techniques were deeply out of date and there was little hope for real progress thanks to widespread illiteracy and lack of capital. Families lived just above the subsistence level, and around 50 percent had a member who had left the village to find other work, often in the towns. As the central Russian population boomed, land became scarce. This way of life contrasted sharply with those of rich landowners, who held 20 percent of the land in large estates and were often members of the Russian upper class. The western and southern reaches of the massive Russian Empire were slightly different, with a larger number of reasonably well-off peasants and large commercial farms. The result was, by 1917, a mass of disaffected peasants, angry at increased attempts to control them by the people who profited from the land without directly working it. The vast majority of peasants were firmly against developments outside the village and desired autonomy.Although the vast majority of the Russia population was made up of rural peasants and urban ex-peasants, the upper and middle classes knew little of real peasant life. But they were familiar with the myths: of down to earth, angelic, pure communal life. Legally, culturally, socially, the peasants in over half a million settlements were organized by centuries of community rule. The mirs, self-governing communities of peasants, were separate from elites and the middle class. But this was not a joyous, lawful commune; it was a desperate struggling sy stem fuelled by the human weaknesses of rivalry, violence, and theft, and everywhere was run by elder patriarchs. Within the peasantry, a break was emerging between the elders and the growing population of young, literate peasants in a deeply-ingrained culture of violence. Prime Minister Pyor Stolypin’s land reforms of the years before 1917 attacked the peasant concept of family ownership, a highly-respected custom reinforced by centuries of folk tradition. In central Russia, the peasant population was rising and the land was running out, so all eyes were on the elites who were forcing the debt-ridden peasants to sell land for commercial use. Ever more peasants traveled to the cities in search of work. There, they urbanized and adopted a new, more cosmopolitan worldview- one that often looked down on the peasant lifestyle they left behind. Cities were highly overcrowded, unplanned, poorly paid, dangerous and unregulated. Upset with class, at odds with their bosses and elites, a new urban culture was forming. When the free labor of the serfs disappeared, the old elites were forced to adapt to a capitalist, industrialized farming landscape. As a result, the panicked elite class was forced to sell off their land and, in turn, declined. Some, like Prince G. Lvov (the first democratic Prime Minister of Russia) found ways to continue their farm businesses. Lvov became a zemstvo (local community) leader, building roads, hospitals, schools and other community resources. Alexander III feared the zemstvos, calling them overly-liberal. The government agreed and created new laws that attempted to reel them in. Land captains would be sent out to enforce Tsarist rule and counter the liberals. This and other counter-reforms ran right into the reformers and set the tone for a struggle that the Tsar would not necessarily win. A Growing and Politicized Urban Workforce The industrial revolution came to Russia largely in the 1890s, with ironworks, factories and the associated elements of industrial society. While the development was neither as advanced nor as swift as in a country like Britain, Russia’s cities began to expand and large numbers of peasants moved to the cities to take up new jobs. By the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries, these tightly packed and expanding urban areas were experiencing problems like poor and cramped housing, unfair wages, and dwindling rights for workers. The government was afraid of the developing urban class but more afraid of driving foreign investment away by supporting better wages, and there was a consequent lack of legislation on behalf of the workers. These workers swiftly began to grow more politically-engaged and chaffed against government restrictions on their protests. This created a fertile ground for the socialist revolutionaries who moved between cities and exile in Siberia. In ord er to try and counter the spread of anti-Tsarist ideology, the government formed legal but neutered trade unions to take the place of the banned but powerful equivalents. In 1905, and 1917, heavily politicized socialist workers played a major role, although there were many different factions and beliefs under the umbrella of ‘socialism’. Tsarist Autocracy, A Lack of Representation and a Bad Tsar Russia was ruled by an emperor called the Tsar, and for three centuries this position had been held by the Romanov family. 1913 saw the 300-year celebrations in a vast festival of pomp, pageantry, social class and expense. Few people had an idea the end of Romanov rule was so close, but the festival was designed to enforce a view of the Romanovs as personal rulers. All it fooled were the Romanovs themselves. They ruled alone, with no true representative bodies: even the Duma, an elected body created in 1905, could be completely ignored by the Tsar when he wished to, and he did. Freedom of expression was limited, with censorship of books and newspapers, while a secret police operated to crush dissent, frequently either executing people or sending them to exile in Siberia.The result was an autocratic regime under which republicans, democrats, revolutionaries, socialists and others were all increasingly desperate for reform, yet impossibly fragmented. Some wanted violent change, others peaceful, but as opposition to the Tsar was banned, opponents were increasingly driven to more radical measures. There was a strong reforming – essentially westernizing – movement in Russia during the mid-nineteenth century under Alexander II, with elites split between reform and entrenchment. A constitution was being written when Alexander II was assassinated in 1881. His son, and his son in turn (Nicholas II), reacted against the reform, not only halting it but starting a counter-reform of centralized, autocratic government.The Tsar in 1917 - Nicholas II - has sometimes been accused of lacking the will to govern. Some historians have concluded that this wasn’t the case; the problem was that Nicholas was determined to govern while lacking any idea or ability to run an autocracy properly. That Nicholas’ answer to the crises facing the Russian regime – and the answer of his father - was to look back to the seventeenth century and try to resurrect an almost late-medieval system, instead of reforming and modernizing Russia, was a major problem and source of disc ontent which directly led to the revolution. Tsar Nicholas II held to three tenants drawn on earlier Tsars: The tsar was the owner of all of Russia, a fiefdom with him as lord, and all trickled down from him.The Tsar ruled what God had given, unrestrained, checked by no earthly power.The people of Russia loved their Tsar as a tough father. If this was out of step with the west and emerging democracy, it was out of step with Russia itself. Many Russians objected to these tenets, embracing western ideals as an alternative to the tradition of tsarism. Meanwhile, the tsars ignored this growing sea change, reacting Alexander II’s assassination not by reforming but by retreating to medieval foundations. But this was Russia, and there wasn’t even one kind of autocracy. ‘Petrine’ autocracy derived from Peter the Great’s western vision, organized royal power through laws, bureaucracy, and systems of government. Alexander III, heir of the murdered reformer Alexander II, tried to react, and sent it all back to Tsar centric, personalized ‘Muscovite’ autocracy. Petrine bureaucracy in the nineteenth century had become interested in reforming, connected to the people, and the people wanted a constitution. Alexander IIIs son Nicholas II was also Muscovite and tried to turn things back to the seventeenth century to a greater extent. Even dress code was considered. Added to this was the idea of the good tsar: it was the boyars, the aristocrats, the other landowners who were bad, and it was the tsar who protected you, rather than being an evil dictator. Russia was running out of people who believed it.Nicholas was not interested in politics, was poorly edu cated in the nature of Russia, and not trusted by his father. He was not a natural ruler of an autocracy. When Alexander III died in 1894, the disinterested and somewhat clueless Nicholas took over. Shortly after, when the stampede of a huge crowd, lured by free food and rumors of low stocks, resulted in mass death, the new Tsar kept partying. This did not win him any support from the citizenry. On top of this, Nicholas was selfish and unwilling to share his political power. Even able men who wished to change the future of Russian, like Stolypin, faced in the Tsar a man who resented them. Nicholas wouldn’t disagree to people’s faces, would take decisions based weakly, and would only see ministers singly so as not to be overwhelmed. Russian government lacked the ability and effectiveness it needed because the tsar wouldn’t delegate, or supportable officials. Russia had a vacuum that would not react to a changing, revolutionary world.The Tsarina, bought up in Britain, disliked by elites and felt to be a stronger person than Nicholas also came to believe in the medieval way to rule: Russia was not like the UK, and she and her husband did not need to be liked. She had a strength to push Nicholas around, but when she gave birth to a hemophiliac son and heir she drifted harder into church and mysticism looking for a cure that she thought she found in the con man mystic, Rasputin. Relationships between the Tsarina and Rasputin eroded the support of the army and aristocracy.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Lowe's vs. home depot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Lowe's vs. home depot - Essay Example That is one of reasons that statistics show more sale revenue for Home Depot which is more accessible due to more branches! Lowe’s and Home Depot, being in the same business, have distinctly differentiated market strategy. Lowe’s is more focused to the needs and requirements of women and housewives who are more incline to buy dà ©cor accessories and unique products that can make a fashion statement for them. Home Depot, on the other hand, caters to the bulk buyers like contractors and retail customers, men especially, who are seriously into DIY (do it yourself) products. Home Depot has a better competitive image because they not only have more stores but they have also realized the need to improve on their quality and customer service. They are also thinking of expanding their product line to cater to wider customer base. Lowe’s, on the other hand, is just intending to improve on its customer service which is inadequate in the current scenario of recessive trend and highly competitive business
Monday, February 3, 2020
Comparative Post Disaster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Comparative Post Disaster - Essay Example As the paper stresses disasters although are not the norm and the usual occurrence but they are very much part of our lives. The degree and types of disasters vary. Some are natural disasters which cannot be avoided but some only occur due to our mistakes and can be avoided. Disaster is a phenomenon that can be natural or man-made and can be disastrous especially if no preventive measures are taken. As the report highlights disaster management is the strategy and methodology employed when any catastrophe or disaster takes place. This disaster recovery process can be initiated when anything threatens to disrupt the normal course of events and the human life is at stake. Governments at different levels and even some businesses develop their disaster management plan to overcome any disastrous event and resume routine work. On 11th Dec 2005 there were explosions measuring 2.4 on Richter scale, in the oil storage depot of Buncefield, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. The first explosion was massive accompanied by a large fire that engulfed a high proportion of the site. Although there were no fatalities but 40 people got injured. Damage was not only restricted to the oil depot but many neighboring residential and commercial buildings were damaged. The fire and the emitting black clouds could be seen for several days. It was Britain’s most costly industrial disaster. St. Albanâ⠂¬â„¢s Crown Court gave its verdict in July 2010 and five companies after being found guilty were fined  £ 9.5 million.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Role Of 3d Animators In Motion Capture Film Studies Essay
Role Of 3d Animators In Motion Capture Film Studies Essay In the world of upcoming technologies and innovations it has become hard for traditional techniques to withstand. Same is the case here in terms of 3d animation which is become an integral part of the film industry here for a long time and the motion capture which is upcoming and is here to stay. Motion capture being the favourite of every live action movie director is gaining attention in the film industry. In producing entire feature films with Computer animation, the industry is currently split between studios that use Motion Capture, and studios that do not. Out of the three nominees for the 2006 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, two of the nominees (Monster House and the winner Happy Feet) used Motion Capture, and only Pixars Cars was animated without Motion Capture. In the ending credits of Pixars latest film Ratatouille, a stamp appears labelling the film as 100% Pure Animation No Motion Capture! For 3D animations, objects are built on the computer monitor and 3D figures are rigged with a virtual skeleton. Then the limbs, eyes, mouth, clothes, etc.of the figure are moved by the animator on key frames. The differences in appearance between key frames are automatically calculated by the computer. To gain more control of the interpolation, a parameter curve editor is available in the majority of the 3D animation packages. The parameter curve editor shows a graphical representation of the variation of a parameters value over time (the animation curve). Altering the shape of the curve results into a change in interpolation and therefore into a change in the speed of motion. By changing the interpolation it is possible to avoid surface interpenetration (such as fingers intersecting each other) when transitioning from one hand shape to the next. The realism of keyframe animations depends largely on the animators ability to set believe keyframe (realistic hand shapes) and on his abil ity to control the interpolation between the keyframe i.e., the speed and fluidity of motion. Rendering takes place in the animation finally. History of 3D animation In the year 1824 Peter Roget presented his paper The persistence of vision with regard to moving objects to the British Society. In 1831 Dr.Joseph Antoine Plateau (a Belgian scientist) and Dr.Simon Rittrer constructed a machine called a phenakistoscope. This machine produced an illusion of the movement by allowing a viewer to gaze at a rotating disk containing small windows; behind the windows was another disk containing a sequence of images. When the disks were rotated at the correct speed, the synchronization of the windows with the images created an animated effect. Eadweard Muybridge started his photographic gathering of animals in motion. Zoetrope (series of sequential images in a revolving drum) when the drum is revolved the slits in the drum creates the illusion of motion and becomes first movie- similarly film creates this illusion by having one image then black then image then black again. Thaumatrope twirl it and the two images superimpose on each other. Two frame animation . In 1887 Thomas Edison started his research work into motion pictures. He announced his creation of the kinetoscope which projected a 50ft length of film in approximately 13 seconds. Emile Renynaud in 1892 combining his earlier inventions of the praxinoscope with a projector opens the Theatre Optique in the Musee Grevin. It displays an animation of images painted on long strips of celluloid. Louis and Augustine Lumiere issued a patent for a device called cinematography capable of projecting moving pictures. Thomas Armat designed the vitascope which projected the films of Thomas Edison. This machine had a major influence on all sub-sequent projectors. J.Stuart Blackton made the first animated film which he called Humorous phases of Funny faces in 1906. His method was to draw comical faces on a blackboard and film them. He would stop the film, erase one face to draw another, and then film the newly drawn face. The stopmotion provided a starting effect as the facial expressions changed b efore the viewers eyes. Emile Cohl makes En Route the first cut-out animation. This technique saves time by not having to redraw each new cell, only reposition the paper. Winsor McCay produced an animation sequence using his comic strip character Little Nemo. John R Bray applies for a patent on numerous techniques for animation. One of the most revolutionary is the process of printing the backgrounds of the animation. In 1914 Winsor McCay produced a cartoon called Gertie. The trained Dinosaur which amazingly consisted of 10,000 drawings. In 1914 Earl Hurd applies for a patent for the technique of drawing the animated portion of an animation on a clear celluloid sheet and later photographing it with its matching background (Cell animation). Cell and Paper Animation Technique: By the mid-1910s animation production in US already dominated by the techniques of cell and paper. Cell animation was more popularized in America than in Europe because of Assembly line Taylorism that had taken America by storm. Cell Animation was most appropriate to the assembly-line style of manufacturing because it took a whole line of persons working on very specific and simple repetitive duties. On the other hand, in Europe where the assembly-line style of work was not encouraged, clay animation and other forms of animation that required only a few individuals working on the set at a time was more popularized. Because the actual set could only afford a limited amount of individuals working at one time together and no more this style and other alternative forms of animation became more widely accepted. Disney-cell animation draw each image one at a time using onion-skinning technique. Traditional cell animation drawings created one by one animators create the keyframe and assistances create in-betweens; onion skinning process used to make easier the reference drawing of each additional image. The international feature Syndicate realised many titles including Silk Hat Harry, Bringing up Father and Krazy Kat. In 1923 the first feature-length animated film called El Apostol is created in Argentina. 1923 saw the discovery of Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio by Walt and Roy Disney. Walt Disney extended Max Fleischers technique of combining live action with cartoon characters in the film Alices Wonderland. Warner Brothers released The Jazz Singer which introduced combined sound and images. Ken Knowlton working at Bell Laboratories started developing computer techniques for producing animated movies. University of Utah, Ed Catmull develops an animation scripting language and creates an animation of a smooth shaded hand. Ref: E.Catmull,A system for computer generated movies, Proceedings of the ACM National Conference, 1972. Beier and Neely, at SGI and PDI respectively publish an algorithm where line correspondences guide morphing between 2d images.Demo is Michael Jacksons video Bla ck and White.Ref: T.Beier and S.Neely,Feature-Based image metamorphosis. Computer Graphics July 1992. Chen and Williams at the apple publish a paper on view interpolation for 3d walkthoughs.Ref: S.E.Chen and L.Williams,View Interpolation for image Systhensis. Computer Graphics Proceeding, Annual Conference Series1993. Jurassic Park uses CG for realistic living creatures. The stars of this movie directed by Steven Spielberg were the realistic looking and moving 3d-dinosaurs, created by Industrial Light and Magic. With each new step into the next generation of computer graphics comes new and more believable CGI characters such as those found in Dinosaur. In Dinosaur the creation and implementation of realistic digital hair on the lemurs is included. After seeing it, George Lucas, director of the Star War series, concluded the time was there to start working on his new Star Wars movies. In his opinion 3d-animation was now advanced enough to believably create the alien worlds and characters he already wanted to make since the early late seventies. In the year 1995 Toy Story the first full length 3D CG feature film. The first CGI feature-length animation and Pixars first feature film. The primary characters are toys in the room of this six-year-old boy Andy, and is mostly told from their point of view. On entrance of computers and 3d driven software feature length films of high polish can be created virtually in 3d. Toy Story is considered to be a first animated feature ever generated completely on computers. Disney and Pixar partnered up to create this film. Star Wars, almost every shot of this movie is enhancing with 3d-animation. It features very realistic 3d-aliens and environment. Lord of the Rings: Two Towers was the first Photorealistic motion captured character for a film; Gollum was also the first digital actor to win an award (BFCA), category created for Best Digital Acting Performance. MOTION CAPTURE Motion capture, motion tracking, or mocap are terms used to describe the process of recording movement and translating that movement onto a digital model. For medical applications and for validation of computer vision and robotics, and it is used in military, entertainment, sports too. To recording actions of human actors, and using that information to animate digital character models in 2d and 3d computer animation is how it is termed in film making. Performance capture is referred when it includes face, fingers and captures subtle expressions. Movements of one or more actors are sampled many times per second, although with most techniques motion capture records only the movements of the actor, not his/her visual appearance, in motion capture sessions. This animation data is mapped to a 3d model so that the model performs the same actions as the actor. Although there are many different systems for capturing motion capture data, they tend to fall broadly into two different categories: One contains optical systems, which employ photogrammetry to establish the position of an object on 3D space based on its observed location within the 2d fields of a number of cameras. Data is produced by these systems within 3 degrees freedom from each marker, and rotational information must be inferred from the relative orientation of the sensors with respect to a transmitter. Collecting of motion data from an image without using photogrammetry or magnetic equipment is referred to as motion tracking. In The Lord of the Rings in 1978, animated film where the visual appearance of the motion of an actor was filmed, then the film used a guide for the frame by frame motion of a hand-drawn animated character; the technique is comparable to the older technique of rotoscope. The camera movements can also be motion captured so that a virtual camera in the scene will pan, tilt, or dolly around the stage driven by a camera operator, while the actor is performing and the motion capture the camera and props as well as the actors performance. By doing this, it allows the computer generated characters, images and sets, to have the same perspective as the video images and sets, to have the same perspective as the video images from the camera. The actors movements are displayed through the computer process, providing the desired camera positions terms of the objects in the set. Match moving or camera tracking is referred to retroactively obtaining camera movement data from the captured footage. History of Mocap: The mocap technology of the modern day has been developed by the led in the medical science, army, and computer generated imagery (CGI) where it is used for a wide variety of purposes. Mocap had successful attempts long before the computer technology had become available. Early attempts: The invention of zoopraxiscope was because a of a bet of $25,000 on whether all four feet of a horse leave the ground simultaneously or not. Endeared Muybridge (1830-1904) who invented the zoopraxiscope was born in England and became a popular landscape photographer in San Francisco. Muybridge proved the fact that all four feet of a trotting horse simultaneously get off the ground. He did so by capturing a horses movement in a sequence of photographs taken with a set of one dozen cameras trigged by the horses feet. The earlier motion capture devices are considered to be zoopraxiscope. This technology was perfected by Muybridge himself. His books, Animals in motion (1899) and The Human Figures in Motion (1901) are still used by many artists, such as animators, cartoonists, illustrators, painters as valuable references. Muybridge is a pioneer of a mocap and motion pictures. In the same year a physiologist and the inventor of a portable sphygmograph was born in France and his name is Etienne Jules Marey. Sphygmograph is an instrument that records the pulse and blood pressure graphically. Modified versions of his instruments are still used today. Marey met Muybridge in Paris in the year 1882 and is the following year he invented the chronophotographic gun to record animal locomotion but quickly abandoned it, this invention was inspired by Muybridges work. He invented a chronophotographic fixed-plate camera with a timed shutter that allowed him to expose multiple images on a plate in the same year. The camera initially captured images on a glass plate but later he replaced glass plates with film paper, by this way film strips where introduced to the motion picture. Mareys subject wearing his mocap suit shows striking resemblances to skeletal mocap data in the photographs. Research subjects of Marey included cardiology, experimental physiology, instruments in physiology, and locomotion of humans, animals, birds, and insects. Marey used one camera in motion capture comparing to Muybridge who used multiple cameras. After the year in which Muybridge and Marey passed away Harold Edgerton was born in Nebraska. In the early 1920s Edgreton developed his photographic skills as a student while he studied at the University of Nebraska. While working on his masters degree electrical engineering at the Massachusetts in 1926 at the Institute of Technology(MIT), he realized that he couldnt observe the a part of his motor which is rotating as if the motor were turned off by matching the frequency of the strobes flashes to the speed of the motors rotation. Stroboscope was developed to freeze fast moving objects and capture them on film by Edgerton in 1913. Edgreton became a pioneer in high-speed photography. The first successful underwater camera in 1937 was designed by Edgreton and made many trips abroad the research vessel Calypso with French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. The design and building of deep sea flash electronic equipment in 1954 was done by him. Edgreton passes away in 1990 where his long career as an educator and researcher at MIT. Rotoscoping: Max Fleisher and art editor for Popular Science Montly who was born in Vienna in 1883 who moved to the U.S with his family, he came up with an idea of producing animation by tracing live action film frame by frame. Fleisher filmed David his brother, in the year 1915 in a clown costume and they spent almost a year making their first animation using rotoscope. He obtained a patent for rotoscope in 1917.In the year 1918 when World War I ended he produced the first animation in the Out of the Inkwell series and he also established Out of the Inkwell,Inc.,which was later renamed as Fleischer Studio. In this series the animation and the live action was mixed and Fleischer himself interacted with animation characters, Koko the clown and Fitz the dog. Before Disneys Steamboat Willie, in the year 1924 thats 4 years before he had a synchronised soundtrack. Characters such as Popeye and Superman were all animated characters from Fleischers studio. Betty Boop first appeared in Fleischers animati on and later became a comic strip character. In 30s early animations were filled with sexual humour, ethnic jokes, and gags. When the Hays Production Code (censorship) laws became effective in 1934 it affected Fleischer studio more than other studios. Betty Boop lost her garters and sex appeal as a result. After almost after 4 years of production Walt Disney presented the first feature length animation, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs. Snow White was a huge success. The distributer of Fleischers animation Paramount pressured Max and David Fleischer to produce feature length animations. The two feature films Gullivers Travel (1939) and Mr. Bugs Goes to Town (1941) were produced by the money borrowed from Paramount. Both of the films were a disaster in the box office. The failure of Mr. Bug made Paramount fire the Fleischer brothers and changed the studios name from Famous Studios. Max Fleischer sued Paramount over the distribution of his animations. He signed a Betty Boop merchandising deal for King Features, a unit of the Hearst Corporation before he died in the year 1972. The use of Rotoscoping can be seen in the Disney animations, starting with Snow White. Later Disney animations characters were highly stylized and Rotoscoping became a method for studying human and animal motions. Comparison between film footages and the corresponding scenes in the animations reveals skilful and selective use of Rotoscoping by Disney animators. They went above and beyond Rotoscoping. Snow Whites can be attributed to Walt Disneys detailed attention to the plot, character development and artistry. Both Max Fleischer and Walt Disney were highly innovative individuals; however, it is said true that Disneys memory belongs to the public; Maxs to those who remember him by choice (Herald son, 1975). Beginning of Digital Mocap: In the 1970s the research and development of digital mocap technology started in pursuit of medical and military applications. In 1980s CGI industry discovered the technologys potentials. In the 1980s there were floppy disks that were actually floppy and most computers were equipped with monochrome monitors; some with calligraphic displays. To view color images, for example rendered animation frames, images had to be sent to a frame buffer, which was often shared by multiple users due to its cost. Large computers were housed in ice cold server rooms. Offices were files with the noise of dot matrix printers. In the 1980s ray tracing and radiocity algorithms were published. Based on these algorithms renderers required a supercomputer or workstations to render animations frames in a reasonable amount of time. Personnel computers werent powerful enough. CPUs, memories, storage devices, and applications were more expensive than today. Wavefront technologies developed and marketed the firs t commercial of the shelf 3D computer animation software in 1985. At that time only a handful of animation production companies existed. Most of the animations that they produced were flying logos for TV commercials or TV programmes opening sequences. The pieces were 15 to 30 seconds long. In the 1980s the readers who saw Brilliance probably still remember the astonishment of seeing a computer generated character, a shiny female robot, moving like a real human being. Brilliance being the first successful application of mocap technology in CGI,Total Recall was the first failed attempt to use mocap in a feature film. The post production companies contracted to produce effects for the 1990 science fiction film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone, Metrolight Studio being one of them. Metrolight decided to use mocap to create an animation sequence of moving skeletons for the scene in which Schwarzeneggers character goes through a large airport security X-ray machine, along with other people and a dog. Operator from an optical mocap equipment company was sent out to a location with mocap system. A team from metrolight followed the operators instruction while capturing performances by Schwarzenegger and other performers. They went home believing that the capture session had gone well and the mocap company would deliver the mocap data after cleaning and processing. What so ever metrolight never received usable data and had to give up using mo cap for the scene. Metrolights unfortunate experience teaches us one lesson that we should hire only a service provider with a good track record and references. In 1995 FX Fighters released its first real-time fighting with 3D characters in 3D environments. Its also one of the first video games that used mocap technology to give realism to 3D characters movements. By the user input using a set of motion captured actions, game characters are animated in real time. The pieces of actions are played in such a way that the player does not notice the transition from one action to another giving an impression that the player is fully in control of a game characters movement. Seeing the success of the game, other game companies were encouraged to use mocap in their games. In the 1980s and 1990s these pioneering efforts have shown remarkable development and achievement in digital mocap. In the recent years, in addition to medicine, and entertainment, mocap applications have been found in many other fields. Mocap is used by various sports to analyze and enhance the athletes performances and prevent injuries. Designers use mocap to understand users movements, constrains, and interactions with environments and to design better products. Mocap is used by engineers to analyze human movements and design robots that walk like us. Mocap is also used by art historians and educators to archive and study performances by dancers and actors. For instance, in 1991 an intricate performance by legendary French mime Marcel Marceau (1923-2007) was captured at the Ohio State University to preserve his arts for future generations. 3D ANIMATION PRODUCTION PIPELINE Sales pitch Convincing the big jobs to work on the story. Story plot solid summary What the films about, what happens in it and extra variations that may or may not appear in the final product. Storyboards Basic sketches of the scenes. (Time usually taken = 6 months) Voice recording At first the artists themselves do the voice acting to put a connection from the story board to the script to give an idea of the film, later on celebrities are paid to be the character voices. Storyboard reel Pictures in a timescale with voice recordings playing in conjunction, basically a really basic film. Concept art Artists try to create the look and feel of the scenery and the characters from the scripts, voice talent and the basic drawings, the artists get first crack at how lighting sets the mood too Modelling The characters, props and landscape have started to be created in 3d; hinges have been added to them to give them movement. Everything is still in frame form, no textures have been added yet (think skeletons). Dressing The models and props are skinned according to the mood and feel the team wants for the film to portray. Shot layout The Basically skinned objects and characters are set into positions to work out camera angles and movement, nothing is truly animated or skinned yet, the recordings of these final cuts are passed onto the animation team. (Time Usually taken = 4 weeks) Animation The models are animated, everything such as the skeleton is already there so they are basically choreographers (think puppeteers). They move the mouth and ligaments according to the sounds and the scripts. (Time usually taken 4 weeks) Shading shading changes surfaces according to the lighting on it, it affects the models colour depending on the lighting situation e.g. light bouncing off a shiny metal surface is successfully done thanks to a shader. Shaders are added to the landscapes, models and props. Lighting Lighting is added to the scenes, Lighting is what actually makes everything look great. Lighting is based on the mood scripts. (Time usually taken = 8 weeks) Rendering The final product is rendered; this can take a hell of a lot of time to render one frame depending on the quality of the graphics put into. Touch-ups Things such as music scores, special effects and sound effects are added, the film is also recorded to an appropriate format. MOTION CAPTURE PRODUCTION PIPELINE Pre-Production Storyboard development Shot analysis It is important to work out exactly what action is needed at this stage, plus any restrictions which may impede the actor. There are several factors which need to be addressed: Does the actors size correspond to that of the character. Should the actor have any props, or costume (for example having the actor where horns for your demon character in your mocap session, will prevent the arms going through the horns at the implementing stage) The spatial surrounding should be a factor. Will the motion need to be blended (e.g. A running motion, as the motion capture studio will only capture a fragment of the run). Character Rigging Develop a character rig, which involves the following: Matching the actors size as much as possible. Constraining the joints. Problems may include exporting out of your animation package into the correct format (e.g. .xsi into fbx) Several different export formats should be tested to realize which suites best with the character rig (e.g. .bvh, .fbx, etc). Actual Motion Captured This can be viewed on a rig in real time. There are several different forms of Motion Capture devices. The most commonly used are: Mechanical, Optical, and Electromagnetic (magnetic) Cleaning Data This involves several data manipulators being applied to the motion capture data. In optical motion capture systems, for example, after you capture the movements of your actors, the data is stored as raw 2D data. Reconstruction process will convert it into continuous 3D trajectories. Label process will label all the trajectories and so on. Additional processing may be needed when there are data gaps, jitters and other data-noises. Implementing data This is simply the process of applying your data to your skeleton rig provided at the initial stages. There can be several problems at this stage depending on the formats and animation package chosen. For example there is an issue with UVs, materials, scaling etc. It is suggested you follow each package pipeline to minimize these issues. APPLICATIONS OF MOTION CAPTURE The process of recording movement and translating that movement onto a digital model is called as motion capture, motion tracking or mocap. Its applications are used in the military, entertainment, sports, medical applications and for validation of computer vision and robotics etc. Games The largest market for motion capture is game development. Games are drawing as much revenue as movies; it is easy to see why game development often calls for enormous quantities of motion capture. There are basically two types of 3d character animation used in games: real time playback vs. Cinmeatics. Real-time allows the game player to choose from pre-created moves, by controlling the characters moves in real-time. Cinmeatics are the fully rendered movies used for the intros and cut-scenes. Often the last part of game production, or a process that is sub-contracted to a separate studio,cinematics are generally not essential to game-play, but do add a lot of appeal to the game, and help immensely with story development and mood generation. Video and TV Performance animation In live television broadcasts real-time motion is becoming popular. Using motion capture we can place a virtual character within a real scene, or to place live actors within a virtual scene with virtual actors, or virtual characters with a virtual scene. For real time broadcasting mocap requires mocap-up of any non-standard physiology to keep the performers motion from causing the characters limbs to interpenetrate its body. Joints limits on the shoulders and knees also help maintain believability of the character. A real-time adaptation feature such as motion builders real-time motion mapping is essential when the character body is very different from the actors body. While combining live elements with virtual elements the real and virtual cameras must share the same properties otherwise the illusion looks strange. Daily features Producing daily 3d animated features becomes easy with use of the phasespace optical motion capture system combined with motionbuilder.,allowing TV stations to keep their content fresh and exiciting,and giving viewers yet another reason not to touch that dial. Post-Production for ongoing series using motion capture for ongoing series is gaining popularity. The result of creating a weekly show without motion capture invariably causes shows to be late or production studios to go bankrupt. Having an efficient motion capture pipeline is essential to the success of an ongoing character animation based series. Film The use of motion capture in the films is increasing day by day. For creating character based animation motion capture is essential that move realistically, in situations that would be impractical or too dangerous for real actors.eg. Titanic were characters falling down off the ship. Motion capture was used extensively in Titanic for filler characters. Many of these shots would have been difficult or impossible to do with real cameras and a real ship, or real models, so virtual models, actors, and cameras were used. Some film characters require the use of motion capture, otherwise their animation seems fake. More and more independent companies are starting to put together desktop studios-the idea of two or three people creating an entire movie are not far off, if motion capture is used correctly. Motion capture animation can be done very quickly and inexpensively, without scheduling expensive motion capture sessions in a studio. Web Motion capture is ideal for the web, whether used to create virtual hosts or greeting cards. Motion capture brings a human element to the web as the web becomes more sophisticated and bandwidth increases, in the form of characters that viewers can relate to interact with. Live events Motion capture generated performance animation can be thought of as Improvisation meets Computer Graphics (CG). A good improviser acting through a CG character in real-time can create a very intriguing lass sting experience for the viewer at trade shows, meetings or press conferences. Integrating with live actors father helps create a fascinating experience. Scientific research While doing perceptual research motion capture is useful. By presenting test subjects with abstract movements, distilled from motion capture data, repeatable experiments can be developed that provide insights into human perception. Biomechanical analysis Motion capture is relied by biomechanical analysis for rehabilitation purposes. Motion capture can be used to measure the extent of a clients disability as well as a clients progress with rehabilitation. Motion capture can also help in effective design of prosthetic devices. Engineering For producing ergonomically practical product designs motion capture is essential, as well as designs for physical products that are comfortable and appealing. When it comes to working in an enclosed space, the gypsy has tremendous advantages over optical or magnetic systems, such as a car inter
Friday, January 17, 2020
Family Essay
The Conservative party wishes to try and tackle Homophobia, especially inside sport. The Conservatives also want to make businesses and work places much more LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender) friendly. The Conservatives are currently debating to try and make same sex marriages legal. Businesses: The Conservatives are trying to help out smaller businesses, and have already doubled small business rates. Which means 330,000 small businesses will not have to pay any business rates until April 2013. The Conservatives have introduced a National Insurance holidays to businesses outside the South East and London. Big Society: Conservatives are currently trying to encourage volunteering, which is a scheme to bring together young people from different back grounds. The Conservatives have started training Community Organisers to identify local leaders and bring people ogether so that these people can act on what is most important to their community. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/ grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to ake up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. A nuclear family is a universal term to describe a two generation combination/grouping usually consisting of a father, mother and one or more children (usually two children). They would live in the same household all together to make up the ‘nuclear family. v v A
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Definition and Examples of Diglossia (Sociolinguistics)
In sociolinguistics, diglossia is a situation in which two distinct varieties of a language are spoken within the same speech community. Bilingual diglossia is a type of diglossia in which one language variety is used for writing and another for speech. When people are bidialectal, they can use two dialects of the same language, based on their surroundings or different contexts where they use one or the other language variety. The term diglossia (from the Greek for speaking two languages) was first used in English by linguist Charles Ferguson in 1959. Diction Versus Diglossia Diglossia is more involved than just switching between levels of diction in the same language, such as going from slang or texting shortcuts to writing up a formal paper for a class or report for a business. Its more than being able to use a languages vernacular. Diglossia, in a strict definition, is distinct in that the high version of a language isnt used for ordinary conversation and has no native speakers. Examples include the differences between standard and Egyptian Arabic; Greek; and Haitian Creole. In the classic diglossic situation, two varieties of a language, such as standard French and Haitian creole French, exist alongside each other in a single society, explains author Robert Lane Greene. Each variety has its own fixed functionsâ€â€one a high, prestigious variety, and one a low, or colloquial, one. Using the wrong variety in the wrong situation would be socially inappropriate, almost on the level of delivering the BBCs nightly news in broad Scots. He continues the explanation: Children learn the low variety as a native language; in diglossic cultures, it is the language of home, the family, the streets and marketplaces, friendship, and solidarity. By contrast, the high variety is spoken by few or none as a first language. It must be taught in school. The high variety is used for public speaking, formal lectures and higher education, television broadcasts, sermons, liturgies, and writing. (Often the low variety has no written form.) (You Are What You Speak. Delacorte, 2011) Author Ralph W. Fasold takes this last aspect a bit further, explaining that people are taught the high (H) level in school, studying its grammar and rules of usage, which they then apply to the low (L) level as well when speaking. However, he notes, In many diglossic communities, if speakers are asked, they will tell you L has no grammar, and that L speech is the result of the failure to follow the rules of H grammar (Introduction to Sociolinguistics: The Sociolinguistics of Society, Basil Blackwell, 1984). The high language also has more intense grammarâ€â€more inflections, tenses, and/or forms than the low version. Neither is diglossia always as benign as a community that just happens to have two languages, one for law and one for chatting personally. Autor Ronald Wardhaugh, in An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, notes, It is used to assert social position and to keep people in their place, particularly those at the lower end of the social hierarchy (2006). Different Definition of Diglossia Other definitions of diglossia dont require the social aspect to be present and just concentrate on the plurality, the different languages for different contexts. For example, Catalan (Barcelona) and Castillian (Spain as a whole) Spanish, dont have a social hierarchy to their usage but are regional. The versions of Spanish have enough overlap that they can be understood by speakers of each but are different languages. The same applies to Swiss German and standard German; they are regional. In a bit wider definition of diglossia, it can also include social dialects, even if the languages are not completely separate, distinct languages. In the United States, speakers of dialects such as Ebonics (African American Vernacular English, AAVE), Chicano English (ChE), and Vietnamese English (VE) also function in a diglossic environment. Some people argue that Ebonics has its own grammar and appears related in lineage to Creole languages spoken by enslaved people of the Deep South (African languages melding with English), but others disagree, saying that its not a separate language but just a dialect. In this wider definition of diglossia, the two languages can also borrow words from each other.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Capital Punishment As A Deterrent Of Crime - 1354 Words
Capital punishment as a Deterrent to Crime Is it ethically wrong to execute offenders after they have carried out a certain horrendous crime? Two sisters vanished while strolling home from a shopping center in a calm suburb of Washington, and a far reaching inquiry yielded nothing. As months swung to years, and after that decades, any desires for realizing what happened to the young ladies dwindled. Law enforcement authorities vowed to work to pursue each individual who was included in the crime against those two sisters, and in addition the progressing conspiracy to hide these unlawful acts. Be that as it may, a break came in 2013, authorities said, when an investigator filing through the case record discovered the notes of a meeting the police directed in 1975, the perpetrator of the crime by the name of Mr. Welch was told by the detectives that he drove the young ladies far from their town, yet he has denied murdering them. In December 2013, the killers’ wife was accused of perjury, blamed for deceiving a grand jury about the case. The same grand jury issued arraignments against Mr. Lloyd Welch, under the Virginia law in effect in 1975, on two counts of first-degree murder and was sentenced to death. (Perez-Pena, 2015) In the United States particularly, the death penalty is an extremely debated issue of exchange and contention. It is a difficult issue with various perspectives. Some are ace capital punishment, others against capital punishment, but then others withShow MoreRelated Capital Punishment Is A Deterrent To Crime Essay1202 Words  | 5 Pages Capital Punishment has ended the lives of criminals for centuries. People have debated whether the government should have the power to decide one person’s life. On one side, people think the government does not have the right to play God as well as believe that the death penalty is simply unethical. Forty-eight percent of a half sample survey stated that life imprisonment was a better punishment for murder while forty-seven percent stated that capital punishment was a better punishment (Newport)Read MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect On Crime Essay2996 Words  | 12 Pages Does the Death Penalty Have Any Deterrent Effect on Crime Name Institution Abstract The question of the death penalty has been subject to heated debate on if it serves in deterring criminal activities. Through exploration into findings of several studies, it would be possible to validate whether capital punishment has a deterrent effect on crimes. Various studies are explored with the objective of understanding which side of the debate is stronger. The findings of this studyRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect On Crime Essay2970 Words  | 12 PagesWhether the Death Penalty Has Any Real Deterrent Effect on Crime Name Institution Abstract The question of capital punishment has been stirring heated debate in regards to whether it indeed does or doesn’t deter criminal activities. By exploring findings from various studies, this paper aims at validating whether death penalty has a deterrent effect on crimes. Various studies are explored with the objective of understanding which side of the debate is stronger. The findings of thisRead MoreThe History of Capital Punishment as a Deterrent to Crime Essay2614 Words  | 11 Pagesconcerning capital punishment, or the death penalty. Through the passing of time, our society castigates transgressors with the death penalty. Many nations through time have decided to enact this harsh treatment. In the United States alone, the federal government has persevered to reinforce people to death (Marzillo 10). According to Wikipedia Encyclopedia, â€Å"Capital Punishment is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense.†Over the centuries capital punishment has beenRead More Capital Punishment is Not an Effective Crime Deterrent Essay1483 Words  | 6 PagesWhile Capital Punishment has been one of the most feared things of our time, it is still being questioned if it is unconstitutional. The Death Penalty is being enforced in more than 100 countries in the world and are usually used in politically-related cases. Although it has been the case in many countries throughout the world it has been said that the Death Penalty is cruel and unusual punishment which is a direct violation to the Bill of Rights. Capital Punishment is a certainRead MoreEssay on Ethical and Historical Analysis of Capital Punishment1545 Words  | 7 PagesCapital Punishment â€Å"[dates] as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified [Capital Punishment] for 25 different crimes,†so it is no surprise that it is still used today (â€Å"Early Death†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 1). In the U.S, Capital Punishment has been legalized in 32 states since 1996. Capital Punishment is not as inhumane as it sounds; it is limited under the 8th amendment in the U.S. Contrary to most beliefs, Capital Punishment is not used on every case of rapistsRead MoreThe Ethics of Capital Punishment Essay examples1501 Words  | 7 Pagesthe United States only 38 states have capital punishment statutes. As of year ended in 1999, in Texas, the state had executed 496 prisoners since 1930. The laws in the United States have change drastically in regards to capital punishment. An example of this would be the years from 1968 to 1977 due to the nearly 10 year moratorium. During those years, the Supreme Court ruled that capital punishment violated the Eight Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. However, this ended in 1976, whenRead MoreCapital Punishment : A Deterrent Effect971 Words  | 4 Pagespenalty has significant deterrent effects, supporting the use of capital punishment. In particular, American constitutional legal scholars Cass R Sunstein and Adrien Vermeule presented their 2005 study, â€Å"Is Capital Punishment Morally Required? The Relevance of Life-Life Tradeoffs,†which supports the notion of capital punishment as a deterrent. Sunstein and Vermeule’s study specifically presents the argument of the morality behind the death penalty’s significant deterrent effect, in light of recentRead More Capital Punishment Essay1136 Words  | 5 Pagesdecades --- capital punishment. In society today, many people are murdere d every day by the hands of another human being. Those who are for capital punishment promote that it is a deterrent for crime, provides closure, and is a moral punishment for those who choose to take a human life. Those not in favor of it argue that it is an ineffective crime deterrent, sends the wrong message, and is more expensive than sentencing a murderer to life in prison. When those who commit these heinous crimes are foundRead MoreCapital Punishment Of The Criminal Justice System1407 Words  | 6 PagesIn the United States, capital punishment has always been the spotlight of many debates concerning the consequences of severe crimes. Although capital punishment is deemed to be acceptable for violent crimes such as murder, there are numerous individuals who oppose the usage of capital punishment against violent offenders. Both proponents and opponents have given countless opinions concerning the deterrence effect of capital punishment. Research studies have also added fuel to the debate in regards
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