Friday, May 22, 2020
Communication and Leadership in Health Care Essay
Introduction This paper employs multiple research techniques and sources to give a holistic analyst of the partnerships developed with people from different division of a healthcare organization. I identify problems from my personal experience as an Ophthalmic Technician and System Analyst for the Department of Ophthalmology at The Ohio State University Medical Center. The Literature Review, Analysis, and Solutions sections are based on research and without personal reflection. This paper addresses two questions. First, has Personal Health Records (PHR) made communication simpler and safer for the healthcare industry? Second, how to improve communication between Information Technology services and Healthcare providers? These two†¦show more content†¦This gratification in my career helped me realized the importance of integrating clinical and technology knowledge and to seek education at the Master’s level to improve my ability to assist in the use of technolog ical tools to improve service to our patients, our physicians, and our staff. The Ohio State University Medical Center identifiable issues with regards to the development, integration, and use of PHR is the lack of communication and understanding between healthcare providers, information technology services, and patients. Effective communication requires the utilization of collaboration and leadership to create an organization that uses innovated technology to provide the highest level of patient care. Problem Statement Personal Health Records have improved patient care, but as an organization the Ohio State University Medical Center is not embracing change and working together to utilize technology. The problem is poor communication and leadership, due to poor understanding of the clinicians need. Information technology services update the PHR program without first understanding what improvements clinicians need and secondly, end-users are not being educated on the updates; th erefore, are not utilizing new features or the features do not meet the needs of clinicians. Figure 1 illustrates the current flow of information between healthcare providers and information technology services. Figure 1: Current Communication pathway TheShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Clinical Nursing960 Words  | 4 Pagesconsuming and overwhelming, if bad habit is practiced could negatively affect patients outcome (Clinical Nursing Handover2013). In the health care setting nursing handover is challenge situation if not used an effective communication. The nursing handover and an individualized and systemic approach. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
What Everybody Is Saying About Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Is Wrong and Why
What Everybody Is Saying About Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Is Wrong and Why Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Explained Before you commence working on the paper, you must go through several topics to compose a persuasive essay on. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Do not merely paraphrase the thesis that you've stated in your introduction. A thesis is a controversial and intriguing idea which is going to be proven by the author's major arguments. New Ideas Into Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Never Before Revealed You are able to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. At length, now that you're prepared to work on your paper, we wish to remind you of the significance of suitable essay structure. It is crucial to opt for a great topic so as to compose a terrific paper. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Following that, you will select the one that you're most passionate about. You may start looking for assorted family topics to compose your argumentative essay on in the event you find it tough to deal with some family responsibilities. In the event you've wrapped up your principal argument, but you lack the idea about what's next, you own a reason to discover online academic writing service. The very best thing about an argumentative essay which contains social issues is that you could describe your private experience on the case of the real-life case. One of the greatest strategies to convince anybody's mind is by way of an emotional connection. Even in the event you seek for assistance from a specialist, make sure they speak about something which will sound better while presenting your argument. The Debate Over Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 When you are finished with your essay, you must not just check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it als o has to be checked for logical fallacies. There is an assortment of patterns that writers can use whenever writing an argumentative essay even though there isn't any particular model of organization. The dearth of very good support sources are going to result in a decrease grade. You may use different examples that can be found on the net at no cost. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is crucial for your general success. To come across argumentative essay topics easy on various platforms, you want to comprehend about the argumentative essay. Pick the one which you liek to compose an ideal expository essay! If you're thinking about how to compose a persuasive essay, you must know that writing an essay is a complicated course of action. You have to have skills to compose a fantastic essay. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. You don't wish to lose grades as a result of incorrect essay format. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Best Argumentative Essay Topics 2018 Persuasive essays are a really good means to encourage the reader to check at a particular topic in a different light. It's important to understand that essay topics are just basic ideas that leave you pondering an idea that might be a huge deal to somebody else. Now, you've got tons of topics to pick from and lay down your thoughts on paper. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. Sure, you've got to use the outside sources to back up your s tandpoint. So be certain that you select a subject, which has values in it. Utilize your present understanding, the information that you have heard before, and clarify your perspective. You can be certain your point of view is right until you satisfy an individual that thinks that you're completely erroneous. It's important to select debatable argumentative essay topics since you need opposing points that you could counter to your own points. By taking a look at examples, you can find a very clear picture of what things to expect, and be in a position to be successful in writing a fantastic college essay outline. If you've got to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. There are several steps which you should take as a way to write an exemplary essay. 1 important and appropriate subject is technology. Technology is ever-present in our everyday lives. Therefore, if you prefer to have nontrivial expository essay t opic that demands thorough research, choose something which refers to a technological region of study. It's possible to select an intriguing topic from any area of science. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't difficult to discover. So without further ado, here are a few effective writing tips to produce your common app essay stick out! It is difficult to locate a fantastic website with free examples of argumentative papers and affordable customized essays. You may observe examples of the argumentative essay outline on the website or look the up on the internet. Don't forget that you're NOT writing your opinion on the subject. If you're in a college and need to compose an argumentative essay, you should pick a subject of high importance. You will be assigned a topic, or your professor will enable you to select your own. The key to decide on a great topic for an argumentative essay is to select a subject where there's a lot of d ebates on topics or stances. If you get to select your own topic, that's good. You can also select an emotional topic. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get ready to research it. You will probably locate a different and fantastic topic you will love to write about. Argumentative essay ideas can be associated with the moral facets of human life. The primary goal of writing an argumentative essay is to understand how to convince folks to modify their perception of things they strongly believe in. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's vital to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, overall, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no legitimate means to provide a free college education as colleges would still must be funded (likely through tax dollars).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Utilitarianism †Act and Rule Free Essays
Explain the differences between Act and Rule Utilitarianism Since it began, there have been two main exponents of Utilitarianism. They are Jeremy Bentham and J S Mill, and both of them base their own individual theories on the principle of utility, which defines something (an act, etc) dependent on if it achieves â€Å"the greatest happiness for the greatest number†. This makes Utilitarianism a relativistic and consequentialist argument, as it takes into account only the outcome of events rather than the act itself as means to determine whether it is good/right. We will write a custom essay sample on Utilitarianism – Act and Rule or any similar topic only for you Order Now Also it holds no absolutes – it takes the best interests of the greatest number of people no matter if the way of doing seems morally wrong. Bentham and Mill were both generally harmonious in their understanding that the general happiness of a human being is linked to their personal fulfillment of pleasure. Nevertheless, the two clashed when it came down to the understanding of what true pleasure is, and whether it holds different values under different circumstances. It was due to this that Bentham started Act Utilitarianism. Bentham thought that situations were to be treated completely differently to any and every other situation, and developed the Hedonistic Calculus as a means of measuring the pleasure and pain of those directly involved in it. The calculus consists of seven aspects which Bentham believed could answer to whether something is pleasurable/painful or not – they are Purity, Remoteness, Richness, Intensity, Certainty, Extend and Duration. It is possible for me to use an example to make this all seem clearer. There are five sadistic guards in a prison who don’t like the new inmate and want to give him a roughing up. One can argue that the pain the inmate will suffer is huge (purity) but the calculus is focused on quantity rather than quality. Also, the happiness of the guards will be fulfilled due to their sadistic means of pleasurement (certainty) however, the guards might get caught and sacked which in turn makes them sad in the end, but perhaps they don’t then the pleasure of the guards outweighs the pain that the inmate faces and therefore under these guidelines I think that Bentham would say â€Å"yeah, go ahead†and allow the bullying and assault to happen. Bentham’s democratic and egalitarianistic approach meant that he believed nobody’s pleasures are greater than anyone elses, and that they are all equal so we can’t say that they count for more. This meant that Bentham was purely focused on the quantitative side of the pleasure. It was here where Mill and Bentham came to a disagreement, as Mill however focused on the qualitative aspects of the pleasure, famously saying â€Å"it is better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied†. This meant understanding that there are differences that must be acknowledged between higher and lower pleasures. He thought that higher pleasures consisted of the intellectual aspects of humans rather than the animalistic, such as reading to further your knowledge, listening to fine music and painting art. The aforementioned animalistic pleasures (lower) derive from the physical side of life, such as eating, drinking and indulging in sexual acts. This approach can be seen as elitist by some, which means that full excellence can only be realised by the mature males of the upper class within society – natural amongst the Ancient Greek Philosophers that preceeded Bentham and Mill, such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. As advocator to Rule Utilitarianism, Mill’s calculation method again differentiates from Bentham’s hedonistic calculus. Rather than Bentham’s quantitative approach, Mill looks at it in an alternative way, observing the various implications of the act. Mill’s interpretation is that there are general rules within society that should be followed as they create the greatest happiness for the greatest good for all those in society. This at first does seem very logical, but then again it begins to defy the basis on which Utilitarianism’s foundations are layed down, which is a relativist and consequentialist theory. And this is where strong and weak rules comes into the frame. Mill never onces says â€Å"must†as regards to the rules he would involve as he perceives his judgment upon whether something is good or bad or what should occur within a specific situation, which can be seen as his defence to remaining relativist, however a new term must be enforced to separate his understanding with the likes of a hedonist such as Bentham, hence the term â€Å"universalisability†. How to cite Utilitarianism – Act and Rule, Papers
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